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Comprehensive hygienic teeth cleaning

Technologies of professional teeth cleaning in dentistry DentalKnysh

Modern technology

Prevention of diseases of the teeth and gums

We have been treating since 1989

One of the important methods of prevention of diseases of the teeth and gums is professional cleaning of stones and plaque, which are formed in different quantities in all people.

How often do you need to undergo the procedure?

To prevent diseases of the oral cavity it is necessary to visit the dentist and clean once every 6 months, 2 times a year.

Moreover, gingivitis and caries in the initial stage are painless and do not manifest themselves. Therefore, you may not know about inflammatory or carious processes in your body. Only during the examination by a professional it can be identified the processes in the initial stage, prevent their development and complications.

It is usually necessary to remove interdental deposits once every six months, because during this time the soft plaque, which you did not clean yourself, has passed into the stage of hard plaque (tartar), which is impossible to clean by yourself.

Only a professional periodontist, using special tools and medicine, will be able to remove plaque and tartar without damaging the enamel with high quality.

We clean our teeth professionally with the help of an ultrasonic scaler and the Air Flow air-abrasive system, as well as a polishing paste.

After a visit to the DentalKnysh dental clinic, your teeth will be clean and healthy!

Prices for the “Professional teeth cleaning” service you can see here


Our team

We have a team that includes 11 specialists: dental surgeons, implantologists, orthopedists, therapists, an orthodontist, endodontists, and gnathologists.

We work with adults and children.

“We take care of the health of our teeth and create beautiful smiles”

Chief dentist Knysh I.


What our patients say

Very pleased with DentalKnysh dentistry. They distinguished all their wisdom teeth there, as well as carried out professional hygiene and treatment of teeth. Everything is at the highest level. I recommend!)))

Oksana Oliynuchok


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The favorable geographical location creates safe conditions for your stay, the clinic is surrounded on all sides by hills

We have a generator, so we carry out all procedures at the scheduled time.

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    Mon-Fri 09:00 – 20:00

    Sut 10:00 – 15:00





    Ukraine, Lviv

    str. Vasiliy Stus, 24

    We speak English

    Phone / Viber / WhatsApp

    +38 063 67 98 196


    © DentalKnysh Dental clinic