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Treatment of dental caries in DentalKnysh dentistry

Лікування карієсу Стуса 24 DentalKnysh
Сучасні технології

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Зручне місцерозташування

Early diagnosis

Дипломи DentalKnysh

We have been treating since 1989

Caries is a complex pathological process that occurs in the hard tissues of the teeth and develops under the influence of adverse external and internal factors. It is accompanied by demineralization, the formation of a carious cavity and the gradual destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth. If there is no timely treatment, complications are possible – inflammation of the gums and roots, as well as complete destruction of the tooth.

It is important to emphasise that the initial stage of caries can only be recognized by a dentist. Therefore, we are waiting you for a consultation at the DentalKnysh dentisty, where you can check your teeth for caries and keep them healthy.

We treat caries of varying complexity. The degree of tooth damage is:

  • enamel caries (including “chalk stain”);
  • dentin caries;
  • caries of cement (root);
  • stopped caries;
  • odontoplasia.

Methods and duration of dental caries treatment

After diagnosis, dissection,removal of carious areas of the tooth, is performed. This operation is the most important stage of caries treatment, Stopping the carious process in the tooth and the service life of the filling depend on the accuracy of its implementation.

After dissection, the tooth is immediately restored with the help of mordant, bond system and photopolymer filling material Saremco (Switzerland) or 3M (USA).

The approach to the treatment of caries will depend on the depth of damage to the hard tissues of the tooth.

Caries prevention is the key to healthy teeth

Caries prevention should be carried out in the following areas:

We are waiting for you for a consultation at the Dentalknysh dental clinic.

Cost of Treatment of dental caries services  you can see here


Our team

We have a team that includes 11 specialists: dental surgeons, implantologists, orthopedists, therapists, an orthodontist, endodontists, and gnathologists.

We work with adults and children.

“We take care of the health of our teeth and create beautiful smiles”

Chief dentist Knysh I.


Стоматологія Стуса 24 відгуки
Стоматологія Стуса 24 відгуки
Стоматологія Стуса 24 відгуки

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    str. Vasiliy Stus, 24

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